Sunday, November 27, 2011

A Weekend Away

It's been a week since he has arrived into town. It has been nothing but a wonder. The time we have spent together and even the time away. We met my grandparents, which they gave the approval of him, and even the cat agreed. It has gone by so fast, I dread next week for sure. But regardless, so far it has been slow and very eventful. He even has a distaste for Seattle traffic, (at least we have carpool lanes)

But even with the hustle and bustle of the past week, this weekend we had to step out of our traditional Thanksgiving, which usually we spent with a large family around us, to a small town of Sequim. It was just wonderful to slow down for once. With the week prior being so hectic with him coming into town, and the week of work, it was refreshing. Not once did we feel rushed or even had a hurry to go anywhere.

We drove up on Thanksgiving day and spent it with his mom and grandmother at a small little restaurant. We had a simple Turkey dinner, and it just was nice to have the quiet. Small talk to warm myself up with them... I could not have asked for a better holiday.

Going to sleep that night in a small hotel. I have to say this place definitely had its quirks, but in the end it was better than sleeping on the couch at mom's house. A few bugs, requesting items from the office, and we will leave it as we had an adventure!

Each day we were in town we had tackled a town, Port Angeles the first and Sequim the second. The day we went to Port Angeles, we decided to go to the mountains. It is the picture that you see above. It was freezing but breathtaking. The moments we had there were just the start to our weekend. Sinking into the snow, and the cold time afterwards. I was glad that we had our snow boots on. Although next time, Warmer jackets may be needed.

After that though, we went window shopping. Very little men love this, but I think I am lucky that he and I both love doing it. We even had a book follow us, something about zen and motorcycle repair. It was like we just were having an easy laid back weekend, almost as if we were residents.

The same happened for Sequim, we just window shopped pointing out things we wanted for our own home. On the way home we even just reminisced about how this weekend just felt like another day in our life. Not a vacation, but instead just like a normal Saturday. I look forward to next week, we meet my mum and dad, and little brother. We also celebrate my Birthday. It will be exciting and yet another sign that this just feels right.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Day in the Life...

So the first wait is nearly coming to a close.... Each day is one less, and I look forward to not being truly alone. But the question comes, am I truly alone in this apartment? Not really, it only seems like it. I spend very little time here, it is a place for me to lay my head at night. However, this is the next logical step.

I am someone that when I get excited I talk, and the question I often get is "Are you taking those two weeks off?" Now if I haven't said here, or if you don't know me directly you don't know what is going on. So let me back up. Right Now, there are 3 very special days coming. Other than my birthday, and other crazy days. My Boyfriend coming to town, Me going to Saint Louis, Missouri/ somewhere in Iowa (okay so I was corrected) for the holidays, and my "Hopeful" final move across the country to Saint Louis, Missouri.

As the days get close to all three I will most likely talk about them. So today's topic, "Him coming here for two weeks".

So to answer the question above, "Am I taking off those two weeks he is here?" The answer is No. This experience is going to be really a "Day in the life of Kitty" The one down thing about a long distance relationship is all you know is the communication that you have via your media options. Our cell phone usage, our EverQuest 2 voice chat conversations, Twitter, Texting, Skypeing, and even G-Chatting. But realistically you just don't know how everyone is unless you just stay with them.

I was told by a good friend of mine that the best time frame for you to tell if you can be with someone was two weeks. Getting over the first week, sub-conscious perfection that you impose because you are trying to impress someone. The second week you can truly understand and see the things that someone does. You can find the small things that you just can't live with or without.

Though I often wonder, will these two weeks be really a good show of our day to day lives? I certainly hope so. I really hope that the apartment will be warm, the bed will be comfortable enough for him, and even my sad excuse of cooking expertise will be acceptable. I worry, (another little thing about me) about everything.

I spent two weeks with him in April. It was different, and I was very shy. I didn't do some things because I felt I was being watched. Not by him, but by others. Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed every moment of it. I loved being with him, his kids, and just how we got out to see things. I just couldn't feel 100% comfortable, and to be rightly honest it was not going to be how it really is in the future. We are not going to have the "In-laws" living with us. As much as I would appreciate the thought, my way of life does not promote having someone of that nature in my house for more than a few days.

However with his coming here, there is much we want to accomplish in these two weeks. Meeting my grandparents, the little brother, the parents (two separate meetings), seeing his mom, and even just walking down the street holding hands. I don't think it will be... I don't think that this will be a true "Day in the life" because I am not really this exciting. But I want him to meet everyone that I care about, because they matter to me.

I want to make these two weeks count, because if we can do this, the next test may just prove to be a little harder. Two kids, a car and a road trip. I really look forward to it. I really do... Right now though, I just can't wait to kiss his lips and collect my cuddles.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

To Be or Not To Be...

I am quickly learning that it does not pay to be a "Superwoman" every day. You become tired, and worn out and more zombie like as time passes. Knowing this I have to make some huge changes, and decisions based upon the time I have.

So first of all, I RP on EverQuest 2. One of my toons (my main toon for that matter) is currently RPly married to another. For those whom don't know the world of "RP" or also known as Role Play, basically we play a Gnome, and a Ratonga whom have been married. I have a person whom is my partner in game, and we just have fun with the story line. However, the one down side.... He lives on the East coast. I (right now anyways) am currently living on the West coast.... (man this is starting to sound like a love story gone awry) Regardless, he works, and is offline by 9pm EDT which happens to be approximately 6pm PDT (you notice something).

Yeah, it was talked about, it would have to be done during the weekends, which is fine but I am also planning on moving in now 5 months. I am trying to also spend time with my family, and the few friends that decide to come out of the wood work. So of course that is an issue just as well.

I am also trying to make time for My boyfriend because we are in a long distance relationship, it is very important to me that I talk to him often. I miss him very much every day. During the week, my commute and my work schedule puts me out of the house for about 13 hours a day. With me going to bed about 10pm PDT, I am just exhausted by the end of the week. Spend two days resting to go do it all over again.

This is just nuts! I mean I am only one person, and where is the phrase "Real Life takes precedence" Where is this "It's okay we will be here..." or "We still miss you." Gods... I tell myself that I miss me! I am just sitting here thinking... on a daily basis on what I want to do... what I need to do.. and what factions to grind.

I know that I go by the phrase "Rest is for the wicked" But DAMN, I was not expecting all of this. As I old my RP partner this week, I can't guarantee anything until April, May. I don't want to hold up your story for that long... but we need to figure out something. We have to figure out a way that we can build the toons and not have to worry about a freaking time zone.

I suppose we will figure it out.. until then... Myself, my Cat, my Boyfriend, and My Job come first. This Superwoman is focusing on the real world. My 40 hours in EQ2 is pretty much over... Until of course I get settled in the new place. But even that can't be guaranteed. I just keep counting, 169 days.